Worship and Bible Class Times  


9:00 AM Sunday Sunday School (age 3 through 8th grade)
9:00 AM Sunday  Bible Class: The Gospel of St. John
10:00 AM Sunday

Divine Service

-Holy Communion is Celebrated on the 1st,3rd,& 5th Sundays and feast days.

Policy Regarding the Lord's Supper: Faithful to our Lord Jesus and His Word, St. John's practices the Biblical and historical teaching of closed communion. This means that those who commune together are united around a common confession of faith and have been taught to prepare and examine themselves. In love to our Lord and all people, in general only members in good standing of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the other worldwide Lutheran church bodies united and in fellowship with her are invited to the altar. If you wish for more information or have any other questions please talk with Pastor prior to service. 

10:00 AM Wednesday Midweek Bible Study: Revelation 







1. “Are My Kids Welcome?”

Yes! It gives us great joy when Christ’s little ones gather with us to receive the gifts of salvation. We know that children may often fidget and fuss as they learn to sit and hear God’s word but we consider them a gift of the womb and a heritage from the Lord (psalm 127:3). We want children to learn more and more what it means to be Christians. And it’s for this reason that we invite the children to stay with us for the entire service.
If you feel your children are being disruptive, we do have a cry room. However, barring a cry of ear-drum shattering proportions, we encourage you to keep your children in the sanctuary as long as possible. And, as counter-intuitive as it may seem, we also encourage those with young children to sit up front, as doing so makes it easier for them to see what’s happening, which tends to hold their attention longer. Members of the congregation are also eager to assist if you need a extra hand for whatever reason. 

2. "What are your services like?"

In order to understand our services, there are three important things to know about St. John's.
1. As Lutherans, we believe that Christ won our salvation in His death and resurrection.
2. We believe that Christ established His Church to be the place where we could receive the salvation won for us on the cross and in the empty tomb.
3. We also believe that we receive this salvation through the preached word of forgiveness, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
It’s for this reason that we worship the way we do—beginning every service by confessing our sins and hearing Christ’s word of absolution, singing of God’s mercy in our hymns, confessing His triune nature in the Creed, listening to preaching that covers us in the love of Christ, feasting upon His body and blood in Holy Communion, and concluding with the benediction promise that we now have peace with God through His Son who dwells with us in Word and Sacrament.
For our Sunday morning liturgy, we follow the Divine Service settings in Lutheran Service Book every week.  And for our hymns, we use the great treasures found in that same hymnal. The organ is the primary instrument for our musical accompaniment.

3. “How do I join?”

If you are currently a member of another LCMS congregation and would like to join St. John's, please speak to Pastor Moore and your current pastor about requesting a transfer of membership.
If you are not currently a member of an LCMS congregation, please speak with Pastor Moore about how to come into membership. While the length of preparation for membership may vary from person to person depending on various circumstances, Pastor Moore's classes typically last 8-12 weeks covering the six chief parts of the Small Catechism. 

